Friday, May 14, 2010

The C++ Lands. With sources.

Updated 3/9/2017: The C++17 Lands map is here, which is up-to-date with the most recent Holy Standard changes.

This is an old post, I decided to repost this translation here and added sources.

People ask me about copyrights. I don't mind if you use it somewhere... anywhere you like. But some of the elements of the map were taken by Jim from clipart galleries, I don't own copyrights on them.

The map is very popular all over the Internet. It's discussed on reddit and boingboing.

C++ language is quite complicated. It looks like a total mess when you start studying it. That's why I tried to draw a scheme of it. My drawing was real crap and I asked a friend to help me. And now, thanks to Jim, we have a nice and simple C++ language map.

The current version. With templates and Qt. 1600x1110. And for printing 3298×2288.

The previous one. With a typo.

Old version in higher resolution: 2702x1886

Sources: the map and background.

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